7 Little Johnstons

‘7 Little Johnstons’ Does Anna Johnston Have A Problem With Being A Little Person?

TLC fans adore 7 Little Johnstons star, Anna Johnston but might she have a problem with her dwarfism? Many viewers of the show believe that Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston secretly hates being a little person. Is Anna following in her footsteps?

Anna Johnston Turns Down An Invitation?

7 Little Johnstons fans believe that Trent, Amber, and Liz seem to have stopped following Anna on Instagram. Notably, she doesn’t seem to follow them either. If they all fell out, that seems sad because fans who love her cheer for her success. Always at loggerheads with her adopted daughter from Russia, Amber often gets slammed for favoritism. And yet, she bought her own home and fans think she seems like a responsible young adult.

Anna Johnston YouTube
Anna Johnston – 7 Little Johnston – TLC

Recently, Anna Johnston seemed to soft-launch a new boyfriend. Named Darius Anderson, he joked with her about wanting to be her “baby daddy.” Her followers noticed that he seemed to get along with Anna very well. Naturally, as he’s a person of color, some TLC fans think that Amber and Trent might disapprove of their relationship. Might that account for Anna turning down an invitation, especially if she’s on the outs with them?

7 Little Johnston Star Avoids Little People?

The TLC star’s possible new boyfriend is average-sized. So, does that mean she developed a problem with being a little person? Interestingly, the Little People of America’s National Conference is coming up in July, and it seems that Anna won’t attend. The news arrived via her Instagram Stories and was shared on Reddit.

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The story from Anna Johnston made an OP speculate when she said, “Sadly, no I won’t be going,” after someone asked, “Will I see you in six weeks???” They wrote:

While the 7 Little Johnstons fans in the discussion didn’t talk about whether Anna had a problem with her dwarfism, they pointed out that not everyone goes each year. Here are some opinions:

  • I wouldn’t take this to mean anything tbh. IIRC, there was a year Anna and Liz didn’t go because of work. And I believe Jonah skipped out at least once before as well.
  • Maybe she can’t get the time off from work or she doesn’t have the money to go. Keep in mind she recently bought a house [and she’s] doing it all on her own.
  • I think her relationship with her family isn’t good currently. I just hope Anna has a good support system of friends and her boyfriend to support her.

TLC Star Does Have A Problem With Her Dwarfism

While it seems from the Reddit discussion that there is no problem with Anna Johnston accepting her dwarfism, in the same Q&A, she spoke about it. In another slide, a fan asked her “[What] is the hardest thing about being a little person? In her reply, the TLC star said:

Anna Johnston does have issues with Dwarfism - Via Reddit
Anna Johnston does have issues with Dwarfism

The 7 Little Johnstons star is not the only little person who struggles with being small in stature. Zach Roloff’s dad, Matt Roloff tried hard to get his son to meet girls with dwarfism. However, on Little People, Big World, he said that he was not interested in them.

What are your thoughts about TLC star Anna Johnston? Do you think that because she has a problem accepting her dwarfism, she won’t attend the LPA National Conference? Or, do you think she might miss it because she’s either working or is clashing with her mom and dad? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your 7 Little Johnstons news.

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